Family mediators maintain neutrality in any proceedings that take place, and are trained to help couples through the process of divorce / separation during what is a stressful time for all concerned.
Mediators do not advise people on what they should do. Their role is in guiding parties to help them reach a fair solution that will take into consideration the needs of all concerned, including, of course, any children in the family.
We provide family mediation services for:
- Couples (Married /Unmarried/Same sex), with or without children.
- Couples (Married/Unmarried/Same sex) experiencing difficulties talking to each other about their children or financial matters
- Extended family members e.g., grandparents, wishing to see their grandchildren.

Mediation helps if your relationship has broken down and you need to sort out practical issues such as:
- Living arrangements after separation and divorce.
- How living costs are to be arranged.
- Division of assets and property.
- Childcare arrangements - visitation and living arrangements
- Childcare arrangements for occasions such as birthday, holiday, Easter, and Christmas arrangements.
- Extended family (such as Grandparents) arrangements - how will grandparents see the child(ren)
- Before family mediation commences, each party will have a 45 minute to 1 hour meeting separately with the mediator (this is commonly referred to as a MIAM meeting).
- Your mediator will explain the mediation process before listening to why you are here and assess if the process of mediation is the right one for you.
- If, after meeting with both parties, the mediator concludes that mediation is the right approach to take, further mediation sessions will be arranged. These last for 90 minutes each.
- After each session your mediator will provide each party a summary of what has been discussed and agreed.
- The full financial positions of each party are declared and exchanged during this process. The mediator may suggest that individual / specialist and professional advice is arranged at this point in the mediation.

- Less stressful than court proceedings, with less conflict between you and your partner: Importantly, if you have children, it is less upsetting for them too. It is easier on children when parents are seen to be co-operating, and apart from the obvious reassurance this can provide, it also helps maintain important family relationships. The mediation process can help find ways for everyone involved to get along better in the future.
- Communication: It improves communication and helps you plan for and sort out your future.
- Agreements can be reviewed and changed if you both agree for example, if your situation or your ex-partner's situation changes, and as your children get older and have different needs.
- Long-term agreement: as mediated settlements are an agreement between parties, they are far more likely to succeed over the longer term than a court settlement decided upon by a judge. This in turn reduces the need for any further stress and anguish. In summary, family mediation is quicker, cheaper and most importantly it provides a better way to sort out disagreements than long drawn-out court battles. This is the best way forward to help you to get on with the rest of your life as quickly as possible. Our team members are professionally trained in family mediation, and all are members of the College of Mediators and Family Mediation Council.